Author: Tomash
Sunday brunch

Huinesoron, Neshomeh, and Delta gathered around a table at their favorite brunch spot, as they had almost every Sunday for the last several years. They'd used to meet up in Rudi's, but they moved to a quieter part of the multiverse due to "those darn Time Gentry and their bloody drama".

"Did you know it's Shipfest time already?" Nesh asked, hoping to kick the conversation off. "It really snuck up on me."

"Yeah," hS replied. "Kaitlyn already got out the corsets last week."

"I'm glad I got in on that trend," Delta said, her eyes brightening. "They're surprisingly comfy!"

"I know, right?" hS. "And then, once I've put it on, Kaitlyn ..., well I'll leave that to your imaginations."

"Please do," Delta said. "I get enough of that from the badfic channel."

hS chuckled. "You kids and your chat rooms. I remember when all we had was a Board and email."

"Hey," Nesh objected. "I'm not that young! I remember the original Lounge. Now, those were the days, let me tell you."

"The IRC, though, that was the best," Delta said. "Busy, but not too busy, and you could go wandering around the place in kitty mode."

"Bah humbug," hS said, putting on an exaggerated old man voice for comedic effect. "You two have no respect for MSN Messenger."

"Things really are different these days, though," Delta said. "Not bad—the kids are doing a pretty good job keeping the place going, but it sure isn't like it was back in the day."

"Sure isn't," Nesh said, taking a sip of water.

"They do need to get off my lawn, though," hS added. "Don't want them trampling the Sunflower Official."

The oldbie brunch nodded. Nesh's folowup comment, however, was interrupted by the arrival of the appetizers.