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teh-psychic-whale -- Romance/Action -- Posted: 26/09/2012 -- Updated: 30/09/2012
AN: TEH PSOOKOOK WHALLE in dis story is NOT me. U cn tell cuz his name is allcaps!

1s deer was TEH PSICHIC WHALE n he showingedn up at PPC QH1111111111 every1 lookd around n was shocked cuz its a physic whale ok wut do u except. so affer dat DAS SIKKIK WJALE made luv 2 everyone (AN: th reason they allwowd it 2 happon is he's ppsychic so wudya gonna doo. Sins evryone loved hm he got a missing witch was PHINAEAS AN FERB AND FISH HOWKS and doofnsjmrz had sexy sex wif milo (AN; MILO SUCKKKKKKKKS) but THA PZYCKIC WHAAL said AH SCREW IT1 and set thee 20 cantinuams on fire wif his PSYSICK POWARS(an:betchadidntknowhehadthose) - back at HW all da guys thout he waz a hero cuz he set milo on fire n killd him (an: did I menshion milo sux?) butt 1 guy didn like it and he wazzzzzzzz.............................................................................................. SUPER NUMBERYARY! (AN: hes a girl in my storay) SHES THE MOST EEEEVIL THING THE PPV!! ofncourse then PHE PSICAIC WALLE set her on fire whih PSYYIC BOWERS an it turnd out superduperyairy was a SHOE the hole time1!!!!!!!! evil worman is dead. BUT DERE WAZ A GRATER THREAT............................................................................................................................ GOD. (AN: yes that god.)god was pissed off at TEH PSOCHIC WILL for no reason so he dropped a No. 2 on him and it waz trajikally fetal. BUT WAIT THERES MORE gof had a literal change o hart and desided to bring THE PSUCHUCH WAL back to liff. Teh Ppc was sooooooo hapy that they gave him nother mizzion, an it was..... AUDREY WAIT (AN: good book) and audry kindaps evan and croosifiys him n the basemant and eats his flesh and kils him n it's suppoosed 2 b sexxah (an: it totally is). TEH SOUPKICK WAIL sees this and youses hiz ZEIKYC PAWAHRZ 2 set everythang on fire n at PPG he waz a HERO!

Uhhhhh...maybe im just stupid buy i cant understand whats happening. so yor agent is a phycic whale? and is in love with agent supernumerary? but then he is actualy a she and thurns into a shoe? uh that doesnt make sense cause my agent Angel has a crush on angent Supernumerary but she isnt gay although her partner is bi.
Yoar gramma sucks. it's spelled sighkick, dumbutt.