titl: uhn...kant tihnk o desen ttitle, wil pots l8r
r8ing; um pg13 cuz fo d33p stufsz
my f1rst st0ri!!!11! dont flame cus i can kel u!1!!11 rly i kan
hello i am darikan i am a halfbreed wich meens i am half human i have magic i can transorm into wofl cta an dragn i am cool and ishoot laszerbeemsf rom myp alms lyke irnman an i can fly i am in teh DEparmen o ffloAters i uzed t be a garytu mnow im not yetm y poweaz helpme pwn mrySues i hacen o partner seh pwaz kiledby teh sunfluer ofi cial czu he wux healsu lfo hear pwerz hse culd...rol fir wtaer erth n iar hr magickk mnananifesteddd az a drgokn fling arund hed bbuvt teh snuflur ficil shit her!!!!!1!1!!!!11!!111! teh nhe blimed iton dakrian so he was mad and darkikan sed u r evil an teh snuflur oficil sed yo sup hmoies i no an darikkanr shoted hey teh sunflawr iz evil!!1!1 but tehn noone belives im so tenh teh dr freeeenebearg give him shot!1!11! taht make im go sledp uhhh were am i he gfroned u rn rc 1492 (duno if taht is rite,...sry lol!1!) a grl wuz sittin nezt to tehb ed i am shdadow she sed shadwo taht ix a lovly name sdarikan sed tanks hse rplied lokingd down baeshifuly menx dusnt lyke it just ten maxn rwalking in wat r ku doin sadhw?!!!1/1!/?1 i m just halpin NO U DONTH ES MYNE hao drae u speek tu hr seh is ur parner darikna sed?11!?!@! NO SEH INST U R HSE BIN KIKED UOT LOL -NO OW DRAE U/?1??!1!/@//3@? DRAKEIN SCREMED AN TEHN FRIE BRUST UTO HISBAK DERTH EVIL MIGETF ASISSST RESIST SCRUM11!11!!!!!!!!!!