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Crazy For You | ||
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1 2 Chapter 2 | ||
Data's voice was far too calm for someone holding a person up against a wall. "I apologize, but I believe you can understand why I do not trust you."
Tanya nodded, eyes wide half in terror and half in a sort of perverse pleasure. No no no... "First, I would like to know why I was brought her. Second, I would like to know where 'here' is. Third, who are you?" Tanya tried to talk, but all she managed was a barely audible squeak from the back of her throat. Her mouth was dry and her throat felt more constricted than it already was by Data's hand. She swallowed. "I -" She squeezed her eyes shut so that Data's face couldn't distract her. "I'm Tanya," she managed. "Continue," Data said, not seeming to mind that she'd started with the third question. She took a couple shallow breaths through her nose. "You're at the headquarters of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum," she said haltingly. You can do this, Tanya. Make him let you go. Make him like you. “We’re a transdimensional organization that protects people. Like you. Your ship. We're good." Oh, yes, very articulate, Tanya. "We have security officers," Data said. In the back of her mind, Tanya scoffed at the idea that security officers were anything but useless cannon fodder, but she had to answer Data's question. "They manipulate your minds so you don't know. And we wipe your memories afterwards, so you wouldn't remember." "They?" "Creatures..." Tanya said vaguely, mentally grasping for an episode that would help her explain. Nothing came up. Maybe she should tell him that being pushed up against a wall was not helpful to thinking. "That is most intriguing," he said, and released her neck. She exhaled and opened her eyes to see that he'd leaned his hands against the wall - still confining her, but in a way that was less disorienting. Well, moderately so. "Why did you kidnap me?" he asked. "I didn't!" Tanya exclaimed indignantly, desperate for Data to like and trust her. "Amare did, and I'm sure you know what her intentions were!" Please don't ask please don't ask... "It was your idea, or, at least, you joked about it in such a manner that she believed you would agree with it. Also, she offered you 'a turn', which implies that you would want said 'turn' and had expressed that desire to her." "Data..." Tanya locked eyes with him, brown challenging gold. "I would never do that! I wanted to invite you to visit! Really! Please believe me!" How she wanted him to like her! He studied her carefully, and she averted her eyes. She could get lost in his beautiful golden eyes, like sensuous lakes on an exotic alien world. She shook her head slightly, trying to clear it of purple prose. “I believe you are telling the truth. Your story is far too complex to be fabricated.” He stepped back, and Tanya took a deep breath. She walked around him and crossed the room, trying to find a distance at which she could talk to him and also function. She settled about two meters away, and he turned to face her. “Why did you want me to visit?” he asked. “I thought you’d like some of the unique opportunities in the PPC.” “What sort of opportunities?” Data asked curiously. “I can take you to meet Sherlock Holmes.” His eyebrows shot up. “Please explain.” She certainly had his attention. It felt a little underhanded to play off her knowledge of him like that, but his expression made up for it. “The PPC…well…it’s transdimensional. One of those dimensions is Sherlock Holmes.” Now his eyebrows came together. Tanya was torn between giggling at how cute he was and feeling bad that she’d confused him. She settled on smiling and searching for a way to explain. “Um…there’s a quote I heard once…‘There is no such thing as fiction, just non-fiction written in the wrong universe.’ That’s kind of the basic premise of the PPC. So, in my home universe, your universe is fictional. My universe is probably fictional somewhere. The PPC universe is probably fictional somewhere.” She cut herself off before she could start babbling. An eyebrow lift. “I believe the human expression ‘too good to be true’ is applicable here.” Tanya fought down a squee. “Well, I can prove it to you,” she said, and went to the console to program in disguises. Then she grabbed a remote activator and typed in the coordinates for the Sherlock Holmes continuum. She nodded to him, and, together, they jumped through the portal. ********************************************************** A/N I probably won't be able to update this much because I'm working on Glitter Trek: The Next Generation (the sequel to 221bagel's awesome story - you should all totally read it 'cause it's awesome!) LLAP :) | ||
1 2 Chapter 2 | ||
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