Author: Trojanhorse
All-Inclusive Orgy
The PPC is sharing and caring. Those who frequent the Board would be the first to say so. The arrival of a newbie is greeted with a veritable Dionysian frenzy of gift-giving.

Recently, there have been many, many newbies arriving. Regular Boarders were very pleased about this. *Very* pleased.

'They're so flexible!' said Techno-Dann muffledly from approximately the middle of the pile. 'Look!' There was a pleased squeak from a portion of the happy agglomeration of Boarders that resembled Bronwyn.

'I know!' July exclaimed. 'Behold!'

'Now now, they're not puppets,' Neshomeh chided gently.

'Not complaining!' a Piph-sounding voice spoke up.

There was immediately a chorus of assent. July grinned.

'Fast learners too,' Sara commented.

'Well hopefully,' Laburnum said, sitting up and earning a slightly disappointed sound from Barid. 'Everyone having fun?' she called out to the group as a whole.

There was an immediate and ragged a capella rendition of 'Yes miss' performed by a dozen-or-so voices.

'Excellent. Welcome to the PPC Board!'