"I had to ask." 9th muttered to herself, looking at her male duplicate standing at the other end of the corridor.
"Maybe I should tempt fate more often." The male 9th said, also talking only to himself, as he eyed up the female version of himself.
9th took a slow step along the corridor, watching as the male mirrored her step. Another step brought the pair of them within arms lenght of each other and she realised in horror that he was wearing the same dress as she was, which clashed horribly with his curly red beard.
"Are we hot or what?" The male asked her, turning on what he believed was his most dashing smile.
"Um," she began to sputter as his face contorted into what could loosely be called a smile but was far more a grimace. "I thank you for answering my question. Bye."
9th watched as his female counterpart suddenly turned tail and fled down the corridor, obviously over powered by the charm of his smile. "It's the waiting game then." He said to himself once more. "I do so love the chase."