Author: DigitalSocrates
Special Occasion at the Sue Lab
"Alright, are you all excited about what we're doing today?" Bronwyn asked her trio of contracted employees/fodder.

"But we don't know what we're doing today," Caddy responded.

"Or why you made us come without clothes," DigitalSocrates added, adding emphasis that they were all quite naked. It wasn't that cold in the Sue Labratory, but the large metal trapdoor she had them standing on was very cold, and they were all speckled in goosebumbs.

"Or weapons," Data conluded, to the agreement of his peers. It wasn't exactly an ideal arrangement for warding off the Sues they faced on a regular basis, which was difficult enough in full riot gear.

"Well, I'm excited!" Bronwyn squeeled, pulling out a black riding crop. It's black weave matched the color of her corset and garter belt, the only bits of apparel she had opted to bring. "You see, I just got in a whole truckload of My Little Squiddlies from a Homestruck Suefic, so you all can have a break from Sue Experiements while you test them out to make sure they work!"

"Work at...?" Caddy asked uncertainly.

"Use your imagination!" Bronwyn laughed evilly, and slammed the crop down on the panel, opening up the trapdoors and dropping the three into a non-Euclidian ocean of primary colored pseudopods.

"Don't worry!" she shouted after them. "They probably can't kill you!"