Author: Tomash
Floof Trio
On a warm, sunny day, a orange-furred, white-splotched kitten was curled up with a brown-furred puppy in a field somewhere.
The two were rather intertwined, with parts of one animal lying on top of the other and vice-versa.
Someone very close by could've heard quiet, content breathing coming from both of them.

<Hey, move over a bit?>, said Calliope, who was currently the kitten, <One of my paws is falling asleep.>

Granz, who was, at the moment, a puppy, picked up his back half and moved it away from Cal, getting some pressure off of her.
He then gave her a quick lick on the forehead.

<Think we should demorph? We've been cuddling for a while now.> Granz asked, worried.

Cal took her free paw and booped him on the snoot. <Thoth just left to check a moment ago. We'll be fine.>

Rather conveniently, Thoth, currently a raven, flutter-hopped out from a nearby bush.
(His flying skills weren't that great, especially when he was tired.)
<We've got about ten minutes left, and the coast is clear,> he said. <We should probably demorph in a moment. But first...>.

When he reached Cal and Granz, Thoth spread his wings out and draped them over Cal and Granz, resting his head in a valley in the Cal-Granz cuddle.
Cal and Granz both raised their heads and nuzzled Thoth's wings.

<This was nice.> Cal said.

<Yeah. We should definitely do this again.> Thoth agreed.

<This is great, yeah. But what if we get caught?> Granz worried.
Cal simply booped his snoot again.

<Let's split up> said Thoth, removing his wings with a sigh.
Cal and Granz both brought themselves upright, which took a while because they kept getting tangled up in each other (and Thoth, at first) and sneaking in one last lick.

A few minutes later, the trio had managed to give each other some distance, and they demorphed.

"You know what?" said Cal, once everyone was human again. "We could just ... keep cuddling."

"Ok but what if..."

"Granz, we're in the middle of nowhere. No one's going to come by and interrupt."

"But I need to do all the computer stuff." objected Thoth.

"You can do that later." said Cal.

"Ok, fine." Thoth sighed. "I'll join you for more snuggles."

And so, the now-human Floof Trio laid down on the grass, forming a pile of hugs, cuddles, and other physical gestures of affection.

(( A/N: Whether the Floof Trio were wearing clothes after they demorphed is left to each reader's personal interpretation. - Tomash ))