Many--okay, fine, several--years ago:
I--I can't believe you're breaking up with me!
Desdendelle sighed, patting the box gently. "You know it's not personal, Orange Pekoe. You're just...not quite caffeinated enough for me right now, you know? It's not you, it's just--I'm in my last year of high school, and the Bagruyot*, and--well, I just need a bit more caffeine these days, you know? I love you, Orange. It's just that my lifestyle is changing, and, don't quite fit into it anymore."
The box of Orange Pekoe tea managed to convey a sniffle. Desdendelle patted it again.
"I'll call you, yeah? Maybe we can still get together on weekends..."
Don't touch me!
Present day:
"You're the only tea for me, Earl Grey," Desdendelle said happily, smiling sweetly at his teacup--or rather, at its contents.
Steam wafted fondly towards him. Keep talkin', luv...
The soldier--he was now in the army--took a sip before he complied. "You're wonderful. So get me up the morning, and cuddle with me at night--"
Traitor! sobbed the half-empty box of Orange Pekoe. You once told me that I was your one and only!
Well, this is awkward, innit... Earl Grey murmured. Hm...Orangey, howsabout you join us?
"What?" Desdendelle said, and What? Orange Pekoe demanded.
Come join us. Two teas're better than one, Des luv, you know that...
Desdendelle looked at the Orange Pekoe for a long moment, before he nodded. "That sounds...wonderful. Let's mix up a cup of tea we'll never forget!"
*Yes, yes, I know, I'm writing a shipfic with footnotes. Point is, the Bagruyot are a test that Israelis take at the end of high school. They're apparently difficult, and resemble the SATs. At least, that's what I've gathered. Anyone who's taken them can feel free to correct me or provide more detail...