Author: Lily Winterwood
T'Intel and T'Firemagic were on the surface of an unexplored planet, scanning the area for signs of life. There was nothing there except for a couple flowers. However when they got closer to the flowers they found themselves walking through a haze of pollen. T'Intel sneezed, which was kinda un-Vulcan of her.

"Are you hurt?" asked T'Firemagic.

"The pollen is affecting my nervous and endocrine systems." said T'Intel.

"How is it affecting your endocrine syetem?" asked T'Firemagic curiously.

"It is making me want to have sex."

T'Firemagic realised then that the pollen they had inhaled was sex pollen. The other members of the away team had already succumbed to the temptation.

"We must control these urges," said T'Firemagic.

"Indeed," agreed T'Intel. "But could I at least have a hug?"

"Okay," said T'Firemagic, so the two Vulcans hugged.

"We should move away from the flowers and the rest of the away team," said T'Intel.

"Good idea," said T'Firemagic.

"And maybe we could touch each other's fingers," added T'Intel.

"Of course," said T'Firemagic.

"Perhaps a mind meld?" wondered T'Intel once they had sequestered themselves into a cave far away from the sex pollen and the, ahem, busy away team.

"If you want," agreed T'Firemagic.

"Very well," said T'Intel, and they melded.