"So... you came back too?"
"Well, you know how it is," Starwind shrugged. "Sometimes you just get a bit nostalgic."
"I do know," BeautyID chuckled. "For instance, do you remember the Shipfests?"
Starwind Rohana surprised herself with a giggle. "Well, I'd better!" she exclaimed.
(At this point it may be worth setting the scene. While the room itself is irrelevant, the large, soft bed likely is not. Nor is the fact that two women - blonde and brunette - are lying thereon. The brunette is running her fingers down the blonde's back - her bare back, which is a word which may become overused if any further description is needed)
"I did write the Multiverse Monitor, you know," Starwind went on. "The Shipfest was sort of my genre... okay, that's nice."
"I thought you'd like it," BeautyID murmured, shifting slightly to rub Starwind's spine. "How about this?"
"Mmm... yes," Starwind agreed. "So, the Shipfests?"
"Oh, yeah." BeautyID laughed. "You know, I might actually have been behind them. They were different in those days, of course."
"Oh, yeah?" Starwind rolled over and sat up (and at this point that adjective used earlier might have had a field day). "How so?"
BeautyID studied her (and yes, said adjective could be applied here, too). "Well, for one thing, they were rather more... energetic."
"Oh, really?" Starwind quirked an eyebrow. "Well, I think we can do something about that..."