Author: the Irish Samurai
VixenMage was typing away at her computer, working on her latest fic, and was so absorbed in her work that she didn't notice Phobos walk in until he spoke.

"Hi, Neshomeh said something about you wanting to give me a massage?"

"Huh? I said I had a message for you." VM looked round, noticing that her guest seemed to have dressed up for her.

"Oh... well, that doesn't sound anywhere near as interesting," Phobos said, looking disappointed. He was beginning to regret wearing his special break-away tuxedo.

"Wait, she got message and massage confused? That doesn't sound like her at all."

Phobos thought back to when he'd last seen Neshomeh. "Well, she was kind of ‘busy' at the time, and her voice was sort of muffled... now that I think about it, it can't be easy to talk and do that simultaneously."

The two Boarders shared a mental image.

"Well, I really should finish my fic, but it'd be a shame to waste this opportunity," VM reached out and grabbed some bottles of massage oil that were conveniently close by. "Would you prefer Orange and Lemongrass or Vanilla?"

"Your choice." He said, casting off all of his clothing in one swift (and highly practised) motion.


Much later, and after a very thorough massage, the two of them lay on a bed, the scent of vanilla heavy in the air.

Phobos propped his head up, looking across at VM. In her enthusiasm, she had ended up with quite a lot of the oil on herself. "Wow, words cannot describe how good I feel right now."

"Well, when it comes to thanking people, I hear that actions speak much louder than words..."