“So this is awkward,” the fedora-wearing ghost named Oculus remarked. He was dainty and very… girlish. But he was scary. Totally. People fainted at the sight of him and everything.
“Indeed,” Yuki, the 6’4” tall jiangshi with legs for days replied. She was also totally scary, but, like, in the “hotter vampire than those in Twilight” kind of way. “What are the odds of the two of us showing up to haunt the same house?”
“Eh, it happens sometimes to freelancers.” Oculus shrugged, tried to lean casually against the house’s wall, and fell through. There was a loud crash from inside the house. A single wheel rolled away from the wall.
A second later Oculus reappeared. “That didn’t happen.”
Yuki laughed. It was a nice laugh. Very musical, in a “sinister muahaha” kind of way. She gave Oculus a curious look. “I thought all hauntings were unionized. You’re a freelancer?”
“Among other things.” Oculus knew better than to waggle his eyebrows, but there was a definite eyebrow-waggling tone to his voice. She was very pretty for the undead, after all.
There was a silence. It was awkward.
Oculus tried to adjust his fedora in a suave way and knocked it off his head. He leaned down for it and gave Yuki a once-over on the way up. Hot darn.
“So… come here often?”