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Reviews For: hOw teh Sunflowr offcr Stoppped beign MEEEEN

ch 1
Ummm sure taht's a good sotry. BUT I think yuov'e got it backwards becaus ethe SO isnt' evil its' Arcacia whose evil so mabye you should make a new story about how Acacia mindcontroled the So to make him seem evil. aNyway thats' just my sujeston.
ch 1
I am not sure whtr i lik this or not. yo ahve lots of rndom punctuation an the SO wuldnt just agree t be nicr just like that. also whre he get the pay raise from? your styro doesnt make much sense to me. mabe make more explntations of what happens with SO and Jay and Acacia so we undastarnd bettrer, ok?

Lady Cyskia
ch 1
eeeeee! morrrrrrrrrE!!!

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