Okay so 1 day agnt kya felt hungy for BLOOD……so she wnet 2 teh hry potr contnyiuimrm (a/n is tat hw u speel it lol) nd seh met…EBONY DARK’NESS DEMENTIA RAVEN WAY… n tehy wnt 2 hgwrtz n fed on dumbldor cuz hes a mwd old coot (a/n lol!) n tehn dmbldor dyed cuz he sux n tehn kaya got a medsge from…TEH SNFLOR OFFICL…n he sed ‘agent smith (a/n lyk from teh matrix lol!) u r a bd ppc agnt n i hv 2 suspnd u’ n kaa said ‘screw u im a vampire’ (a/n lol that stpid so nds 12 dieeee!!!11) tn teh sonflowr offical said ‘piss off’ n kaya sd ‘gladly’. so tehn seh wnet 2 hr parnet candus hu sed ‘r u a vampre’ and kaya sed ‘eyah’ n cadmus sed ‘so am i lol’. n tehn tey wnt 2 al teh contn cu cond worlds n kilsd teh preps lyk kayas sistr chantel. TEH EDN lol!
a/n so tahts all lol i no its a bt shrot if u wnt mor plz review n NO FLAMMS taht mens u wh_cannon_u_can u suk!!1