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Reviews For: vampyr in teh ppc!!

ch 1
HEY FLAMA YOU A BRSTRD! Whydid yui say that its FANficshun wich mens FANS wret it nd any1 cn be a fFAN, not jst u and ure pig frends ho go roumnd opprdshin my peeps and bein racist and stuff. ND WERES UR STORY, HUH?

Ots god storie. Da agents coolm and Dumbledor dos suick, hes studip and oppresice and stuf..
ch 1
stop being mean! there not talentless its a good story! didnt anyone teach you not 2 be mean to people?
ch 1
Oh, yes, of course I'm going to do exactly what you say. *eyeroll*

Honestly, what do you think this is, your personal playground for your sugar-driven talentless ravings? This is a site for FANfiction, fiction written by FANs of the PPC. To be a fan, you need a working brain, QED, you are distinctly underqualified. Moron.
ch 1
kewl teh so is a meeny an he was rong and ur agnets r cole cuz i liek vamprires and culd u plz reveiw mai stroi plz evn tho it doesnt has vamprires in it bcuz it had a luv seen insted hehehe
Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr
ch 1
I lyk tihs sotry but tehy wer a bit viloent andhurt poeple. Vampiers in the PPc dont hurt ppl form the canonworlds if tehy dont do bdad stuf liek bein marysyues.I tihnk u shuld make kaya mor like sellene or taht guy in flotrs whos gay (i thikn hiz name is archer adn hes reely smart).
ch 1
Mor vampiers in teh ppc !!11!!!
Pls write mor - ther shud be mor vampiers in teh ppc becos they ar so kewl (an so ar bishies - mayb u cud writ a vampier-bishie? *pupy-dog eys*)
pls pls writ mor

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