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1 2 3 4 A Lovely Power | ||
This time when Gasparde and her friends were going into the story the portal WENT WRONG!!! So Gasparde found herself all by herself in the middle of Gondor City. "Oh no!" she said. "Where are all my friends!"
"Well, I am up here," said Monty, and Gasparde realised Monty was on her head. "Eek!" said Gasparde, and took Monty off carefully. "How did you get on my head?" "I DON'T KNOW!" shouted Monty, and Gasparde was shocked, because Monty usually knows everything. "Also where are the others?" asked Gasparde. "Well, when I was on your head I could see Alice and Thranduil behind this house," said Monty. "Agent Suicide was there too." "Okay good," said Gasparde. "We should go and find them." When Gasparde and Monty found them, the other two were looking in through a window into the castle. Agent Suicide was there too. Inside the castle there was a story taking place, which was called 'A Lovely Power': Jayvangelina was the daughter of Aragorn and Mrs Aragorn, who were King and Queen of Gondor. She had her mother's black hair and blue eyes and looked just like her. But in her heart she was nothing like her mother, because she was a rebel who wanted to do things her own way. So she called herself 'Jay' rather than using her full name (which was elfish), and she cut her hair short whenever she could. One day when her hair was long, Jay was in her room when who should come to the door but ARAGORN HER FATHER. "Hello Father," she said. She didn't like Aragorn because he was King and tried to tell her what to do, but she didn't think people should be told what to do. "Hello Jayvangelina," said Aragorn, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "You are looking very pretty today." "Thank you," said Jay, even though she knew she was ugly, because she had been raised to be polite. "Your mother is not as pretty as you anymore," said Aragorn. "She is old and wrinkly now, but you are just as pretty as she used to be." "Thank you," said Jay again, although she did not want to be polite because Aragorn was being mean about her mother. "In fact, since I am king, I have made a decision," said Aragorn. "I am going to GET RID of your mother and replace her with YOU. You will be my queen and my wife!" "But you are old and wrinkly too," said Jay politely, "and also you are my father." "But I will not be old and wrinkly for long!" shouted Aragorn. "Your mother gave you her immortality necklace, and once I have it I will be young forever! Also I am not really your father which is why you don't look like me." "Oh ok," said Jay. "But you can't have my immortality necklace." "OH YES I CAN," stated Aragorn, "and you can't stop me." "Yes I can!" stated Jay. "Arbadacarba!" she said which was a magic elfish word, and Aragorn flew out the window. "Oh wow that was soooo amazing!" exclaimed Alice. "I was so worried when Aragorn was going to make her marry him!" "So was I," said Thranduil. "And I was so relieved when she used her magic powers to get rid of him." "Yes the story is amazingly good," said Gasparde, "and the best part is, there are forty more chapters of it!" Agent Suicide was there too. "But Gasparde!" shouted Monty. "How are we going to make sure the Sub Rosa knows this was the best story? The one before it already has the highest marks!" "Not for long!" stated Gasparde. "As an agent of the PPC, I am going to give this story... 11/10!!!" "Wow!" said her friends, and they all went back to HQ. THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: So waht did yo tihnk?! Ddi yu spot teh sekrets? Tehy wer: nubber 1: teh stores Gasparde &her frends visitd wer arl MY SOTRIES!!! Yoo can fnid tehm on fafniction.met. Adn nubmer 2: ARGENT SUISIDE WAS NOTT WERING A SHIRT!!!! Taht is wy he was soooooooooooloooo hottttttttttttttrttttt!!!!1111!!!111!!!!1!!!11111!!!1 | ||
1 2 3 4 A Lovely Power | ||
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