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A 2nd Chance | ||||
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1 2 Daugher of Desire | ||||
JayBird I KNOW RITE??! But I swear I'm not copying u, lol. I ttly got the idea from some1 else.) "Yes, I am aGent Dafydd," said Dafydd, "but I say again: Who r u, and what r u doing in my RC?" "Im AGent Aurora E. Lorra," said Aurora, "but u can call me Aurora. I fell thru a plothole and now I m here." "And I'm Selene," said Selene. She folder her arms meanly. "Dafydd, we have a mission 2 do. Wat r we going 2 do w/this girl?" Dafydd thought 4 a minut. "She must b here 4 a reason. We better take her w/us." "WHAT?" shouted Selene. "U must b joking!" "No, I am not," said Dafydd. "U don't want 2 leaver her alone in r RC, do u?" "Well, no," said Selene. "Ok, she comes w/us. BUT JUST THIS ONCE. When we get back, she goes trait 2 the Flowers, and they can dwal w/her." "Ok, I wil go w/u," said Aurora. "I can use a slingshot and a knife and I have poison dars. I promis I will b really helpful and not ge tin ur way!" "We will c," said Selene, and Aurora frowned at her. Y did she have 2 b so meen? "what is the mission?" said Aurora. "Middle-earth," said Dafydd. "Elves enslave a race. A species of witches and warlocks. A Ring that holds the creator’s power. The daughter of the Witch-King. And a pretty land in Angmar." "Interesting," said Aurora. "Will we b elves?" "Yes," said Dafydd. He set the disguises. "Now lets get this over with." The blue doorway opened, deposited the agents in a tree, and closed again. Selene groaned. "I think there is a branch through my spine." Aurora couldn't help but gigle a little, even tho she was uncom4table 2. “Shh,” whispered Dafydd. “The ‘Sue is right below us. Making a speech from a branch, it seems.” "She is weird," whistpered Aurora. The Suehad a waterfall instead of hair, and the ground underneath was all wet, and so were the ppl down there. They wer immortalsthat looked like humans, which waz stupid bcuz only elves r immortal im Middle-earth, and also the elves don't keep slaves but the immortal ppl were slaves even tho they had magic, which waz also stupid. "Her name is Sairalindë," said Aurora. "What a pretty name. Does it mean anything?” “Yes,” said Dafydd. “It means ‘I want to call myself ‘Saira’, so I’ll add a random elvish – or more likely elfish – word to it’. Lindë actually means ‘singer’.” Aurora giggled. "Saira-singer." They followed the Sue and collected more charges. Then there wz a scene hwere Sairalindë tried to convince Daeron to steal her ring back. Aurora had a bad feeling about this. They portaled 4ward. They reached the king’s study just as Sue put on her wonderful shiny ring and glowed. Selene rolled her eyes, and looked around for Dafydd. He wasn’t hard to spot. "I want that ring," Dafydd said." Selene rolled her eyes. I don't know," said Auroroa. "It is a poweful Sue weapon. It's a total canon-distorter." "So?" said Dafydd. But then the Sue did soething else stupid and there were spiders singing Avril Lavigne songs, so they had 2 mortal again. They arrived in a patch of Generic Terrain (TM), the slightly colder air hinting at a higher altitude. Selene glanced at the words and sighed. Dafydd was watching the ‘Sue’s ring as the people prepared for the night, and “Saira felt her ring warm on her finger; it glittered in the moonlight”. This resulted in an interesting image, the silver ring managing to visibly glow warmer whilst simultaneously glittering. After a short period of general Angst, an elf stepped out of the shadows. “Give it up, slave.” “Give up the Halfling, she-elf,” added Dafydd, in a reasonable Nazgul voice. Selene smirked. "That waz pretty good," said Aurora. dAfydd smiled. "Thanks." As the ‘Sue caused the hapless elf to fall off a cliff, he glared at her. He then continued to glare until she left. "Dont owrry," said Aurora. "Wee will get her soon. It's night now, so let's get some rest." "Ur right," said Dafydd. "I guess I'm just tired bcuz this Sue is so stupid." "Or SUEpid," said Aurora. They all lauged. The next morning, it waz time 2 kill the Sue. Aurora got her slingshot ready. The Sue waz standing on top of a hill, and Selene threw a throwing star at her and cut off her hand! "U missed!" Said Dafydd. "u were only supposed 2 get her ring finger!" "Sorry!" said Selene. "Don't worry, I got the other 1!" shouted Aurora, and she used her slingshot 2 hit the Sue's boyfriedn in the head. He fell down, knocked out. Dafydd started 2 charge ths Eue. “Sairalindë and Daeron, you are hereby arrested by agents of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum. You are charged with having impossible hair, multiple stupid descriptions, grandstanding and unnecessary Drama, slandering the entire elvish race by causing them to keep slaves, messing with timescales - there haven't been 'many ages' in Middle-Earth - creating an uncanonical species, to whit, witches and warlocks, with Ainu-esque 'magic' – this isn’t Harry Potter, you know. Honestly, why did you have to do that? None of them have used this ‘magic’ except you, and you used that ring for it anyway. Oh, yes... where is that thing?” Dafydd went 2 go get the ring. Aurora wanted 2 stop him, but they had 2 finish reading the charges. “You are also charged with stealing two canonical names without good reason, having a nonsensical name, giving an elf a non-elven name, speaking in sentence fragments, utilising random italics, employing gratuitous Angst, diminishing the power of the One Ring by having a ring which acts in a similar way, disrupting the flow of time, speaking in brackets, manifesting gags, causing mysterious voices, creating a mini-UnCanon species, using the words 'people', 'snuggling', 'each other', and 'bondage' in the same sentence, using stupid turns of phrase, annoying PPC Agents, and being Mary-Sues. For all these offences, you are sentenced to death. Do you have any last words?” “You can’t kill me!” cried Saira weakly. “If you do, the elves will-“ “Whoops, wrong answer,” cut in Selene, and killed her with another throwing star. Meanwhile, Dafydd got the ring, and tey dropped the Sue's body under the NAzgul's horses 2 b trampled in2 oblivion and Daron was dropped in a 4est somewhere. Then they went back 2 HQ. "And now," said Selene 2 Aurora, "We can deal with u. Let's go." "Wait," said Dafydd. "I think I like her. We should let her stay." "WHAT?!" shouted Selene, and lignting came from here yes! "Y r u so mean?!" yelled Aurora. "I didn't do nething 2 u!" "U do not blong here!" yelled Selene. "Dafydd is MY partner, not urs, and u shoud leave and go back where u came from!" "Don't u think I would if I could?!" cried Aurora, and tears went down her cheecks. "I don't know how! NEway, I think Dafydd is right, I must b here 4 a reason, and I want 2 stay and help!" Dafydd stared at Slene seriously, and finally she stopped the ligtning. "Ok fine. U win this time. But if u cause ne trouble, I wil kill u yself! U got that?" 'Ok," said Aurora. "I hope u will c that I just wat 2 help. So! Where do I sleep?" (AN: OMY that is the longes chappie I hve ever written!!! Aurora got 2 go on a mission w/Dafydd and Selene! Wow, lol! I had so much fun writing this! I hope u liked reading it. Plz R+R! XOXOX) | ||||
1 2 Daugher of Desire | ||||
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