Author: Lady Cyskia
twilit in the PPPC!
Published: 2010/07/14

Title: twilit in the PPPC!
Author: Lady Cyskia
Category: PPC
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Summary: itz so unfair dat no1 ppcs 4 twilight!!! y duz evri1 h8 it so mch??? Dis fic iz about how REEL VAMPRISE liv&wrk in ppc hq & y FLWRS SHULD LIK IT MUR!!!

A/NN: TWilight iz grATE!

&GUESS WHAT? the title is abigulous - that mesns it haz 2 meanins. #1 is b/c twiliht chracters r in da PPC & 2) b.c 'tiwlight' meanz end uf daytime&strt of night & is metaforical of sumthin ENDING & TE PPC IZ ENDIN!!!!!!!1!111!! (oops did i just giv away the endin?? Heheeeeeheeee...)

1 day a lonly ppc agnt who wuz in trubl w/flowersz 4 killin a sue wit a flamethrowr (Suez r bad alllrite???? & i know every1 thinks beellas a sue bt she's NT!) got assined 2 a mizsion in teh twiligtvherse as punshmetn. er name wus jasiminie.

jasimine was a normal good lookin but nt perect lookin agent (SEEEE? NOT A SUEE!) 'n she kinda liked TWiglith but had 2 say nuthin b/c otherwiz the othr agents&flowers wood LAUGH @ her & sum mite even kill er so she had 2 b carful.

jasimine was asigned t2 kill a marysue whod snucked in & made emmet love her 4evar & made roseli go way (the B1#CH!). jasimine squshed the sue under a bolder & remembred 2 read out teh charges 1st so she culdnt get in truble w/flowers again but wen she had 2 kil the replcemnt emmet she culdnt b.c all vamipres R soooo atractiv & hot

so she strted cryin

"whats wrong" asked emmet givin her a big hug

"im spposed 2 kil u but i cant" asid jasimen

"then dont said emmet & laufed lika bear & made jasimen lauf 2

"y wood u half to kil me nyway?; asked emet

"b/cause its my job & thflowers wil kil me if i dnt"

"then lets kil the floers ourselfs hmm?" i alywas h8d grdening. any roses i always hat8d roses"

"youd relly help me? asked jasiminnne. "sure i wuld" said emmet

so tey went back thru de portl & used flmethrowrs 2 burn ALL the FLORWERS to CRISPIS & emet bit jasimine & she bcame a vamprei 2


(A//N see thats wut 'twilit' mens 4 the ppc but off corse i dont hat the ppc myselvf its jus wat emmet and jazimine wuld do b/c its in chreacter, u know? dont wurry theyll not hurt agnts only those who mke fun of twilight (whic u guyz wont RIIIIITE??????!?!?!?!?!?!))

Lady Cyskia
Ellintyra Lloysinthayr
Oh jsut calm down you stupid idiot!
Lady Cyskia
its mY storyYyy!!! --++I++ hav a rite to b upsdt!
Ellintyra Lloysinthayr
I think YOU need to chill but whatever!
Lady Cyskia
welll i dndt say ir REALY HAPPNED! its jus a stoyr so CHILLLLLLLL@~!!!!!!!
Ellintyra Lloysinthayr
This SUCKS! Twilight is STUPID and nobody would ever PPC for it ever because it sucks like your story! And it's so mean of you to have them burn ALL the FLowers up because there are some nice Flowers and they're just misnderstoood and you should be more understadning!
Lady Cyskia
awwwwwWWW! thanx soooomurcH! wanna b my bfffEVA?
Satlie bisqut
i lyked it!!1! teh peeple whu sayz taht this iz a bad storee r STUUPYD and meen and shuld go awayz! U rok!!1!