Author: lolkittyking33
Stangest Love
Published: 2022/09/06
So does anyone remember me? I was here back when FanficVerse was FanficLand—ah, the good old days! Anyway, I wrote Stangest Love back 2004. I’d like to think I’ve improved since then lol. More PPC stuff soon!

Remember, the only bad writing is unwritten writing!!!


A/N: I saw a challenge to write the weirdest PPC ‘ship you could think of. Here’s mine! Enjoy!


“Oh honey I luv you’ said the ironic overpower. He was wearing a black shirt that said “PPC—predators of the plotconuaum on it.

“I love you to said the lady contravene.

They were in the troll decision of h.q. because sapphire is the best. “Lets kiss said ionic overpower. (Only he’s called Iro now, it’s his nickname)

Good idea!111” did the lady conriavance(she’s called Connie now). So they kiss.


Lady conrivance had a baby!!11

OMLB lets name her lady luck she saud”after her aunt

“Great idée! Iro exclaimed.


They saw sum ppp. Agents!

“What r u doing!” yelled Admiral Pansy.

“whay d u fink


The So appearated!!!11

(What will happen next?!)

