Member since: 2010/07/14
Hi there, im Veridianne.... Im 15 and i love the PpC like so much.... ive read heap s of the other series as well as jay and acacya.... but my favorit agent is tottaly Logen
NEway, I wanted 2 c waaay moar of Logan, so I statred writing ficcs bout him... I looove twilite and recken we shuld start a ppc vershun of 'teem edward' adn 'team jaocb'... execept im totally starting 'team logen'!

PLz R+R aand thx for reding my priofile!

Luve, Veridiannne!
[PG-13 | Romance/Action] Agent Veridienne was recurited to the PPC just after the Marcovirus emergenyc. (Lol, how epic waz that!!!!) Wil she be abel to find love in Hq? This is my fist fanfic, plz leve hepss of reviewz! NO FLMAES!