Hi my name is Ellintyra Llyosinthayr but u can cal me Elli! I have shiney long blonde hair adn big blue eyes and I LUV romance! My faverite fandom evar is teh PPc an i liek Jacacia best of all but i like lots of other peple too! mi storyis on fanficLand wer all about romanse so maybe ill rite some on here too!
I'm 19 and I luv the PPC like loads! I red all the storys like Jay na Acacia's ones and teh ones with Daffydd in cuz there's lots of them nad they do all kind s of kool stuff and can swordfigth and thigns like that (I wish I ciuld swordfight....*sighj*).
Anywaay yeah I might not rite much but I read loads so I'l reviwe othr ppl's storys lots. If I wrte anythig pleas reveiw and i'lk deffo do nthe same for you! ALl my freinds say I'm a rlly good writuer when I do stuff so Im ight put some stuff up here.