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Reviews For: Childhood Crush

Hikau Yagami
ch 1
Reviwe time!!!

OMG tht wax soooo men of JF n KT to do tht! but dis storie was sooo kawaiiii!1 (hee! I leik that word!)

rite a seuql!
Teh Palt
ch 1
zomg! itz so toucin i lorved it!!!1!!
ch 1
aw, kawaii. it was so meen of thoes nursry ppl 2 ignoer jasin liek taht and its good taht gorgia is wiht him noa. july falme and kumiro r juts jeloz bcuz no oen luvs tehm like jasin luvs gorgie
ch 1
Heehee! Welll that ending wass bery sad so i was thikning mayb georgia and Jason could sneak away from Med 2gether and... Well I don't want 2 spiol u! LOL!
ch 1
OH poor Jasen! Its not fair how nobody likes him and I kno what that's like. Ar you going to wright more about tehm?
Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr
ch 1
Aww, this wa a nice stroy andi felt soo soory for Jason, just cos he was differnet all the other kids liekd him. Im gladm Georgia could se him and was nice to him.

I don't like the eedning very mich though it made me sad. whay would tthos eother ppl be so meen to them?

Other than that nit was a great stroy and you shuld deffo rite more soon!!1!

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