Reviews For: cerrin trip and anselas luv stroi |
03-07-2008 ch 2 |
O hei! Ok u revued my stort, so now I'll revue urs!
Umm....... ok id n't know who your agents r, r tey made-ups? Its good i guess, but teh secks and Lux in Chappie 1 was alittle wierd! NE way, I'llkeep reading if u keep writng! XOXOX |
02-07-2008 ch 2 |
I didnt see there was another chappie now i feel stupid. can my other review count as 1 of the 5 so youll get 5 faster?
omg not another cliffie! stop it! i wanna know what happens! |
02-07-2008 ch 1 | omg that was really good! whats gonna happen! update plz! |
Hikau Yagami
02-07-2008 ch 2 |
Reviwe time!!!
OMG u cant leav it dere! i need ta now what happend! ansela sould so sel da picz!!! |
01-07-2008 ch 1 | your mean! its fanFICTIN, she can do whatever she want's....... Anyway, youre just jelous because you cant right and u live in ur parents basement!!! An dont have any friends!!!!! |
01-07-2008 ch 1 |
omg u suck flamer ur not even brave enuf 2 use ur on nme
we will crush ur minions with a TANK! a tank made of JUSTICE AND REVENGE AGAINST YOUR ABUSE!!! anyway u suk 2 i bet ur just jelus!!1 |
Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr
01-07-2008 ch 1 |
Taht twas reealy wow! I fell sorry for Cerin sheb ovbiousaly lovved trip lots and thenhaving tho find hi m cheeting on her would have bee juts awful, i duno wht id do if taht heppened to me.
I tihnk the wepons place is the armoury (dont no if tha's spelled rihgt). nad lux is crepy i hope i neve rmeet her. Iduno what thos wierdwords liek sugoi ar tho, ar they Japanes? Waht do they mean? they soubd kool tho. |
01-07-2008 ch 1 | wah, ur juts a meenie who does't aprecate mai sugoi writig skilz. im not scarred off ur minons. brign em one!!!1!! |
01-07-2008 ch 1 | Just... stop. Seriously. Just do everyone a favour and stop writing. Your plot sucks, your spelling sucks, your name sucks, and you suck. iF you don't stop writing I'll send my army of minions around to your house, so be warned and STOP. |
01-07-2008 ch 1 | Omg I luff it! it's so dramatic and I really want to now what happens next! Write mor now!!!! |