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Reviews For: Teh Tradgey of teh Sunflower!!!

Lady Cyskia
ch 1
ooo dat is so SAD! what an eeeeevil pnishmet! no 1 desrves 2 b turned in2 a floower!
ch 1
OMG!!! I totally kne it! that xplains eveything lol!

Only Hiakry can't b the best agent in the PPC beause Jakacia is akready, so mebby u should fix that!

ch 1
Well, what do you know. One of you cretins actually got something right. The SO, as you have, I'll be generous, 'written' him, is indeed a Marty-Sam (it's not 'Garystu', moron, don't you know anything?). But that still doesn't make up for your sheer, bone-shattering ignorance in the matter of anything else.
ch 1
teh so is a garrystew!!!!1!! i alwaiys new teher was sumtihng difrent abut him adn hes muhc coler as a stu adn i bet it was 1 of teh ohter 'flours' taht mad him 1 bcuz tehy was jeloz of him and hickory shuld fre him form his cruse so they can b 2getha 4eva and plz revew mai stroi as wel bcuz its a romacne liek tihs but wiht agnets isnted of teh so and its relly cole juts liek tihs
ch 1
Thats stupid. he doesnt need to be a garystu to be awesome becaus hes already awesoem so there.
Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr
ch 1
OMG! Teh So was a garyStU? Tahst like zen or somehting. I dont no waht zen is but it soubnd kool adn my mum ssays it a lot.

But tehre cant be anotehr agetn whos the BESTEST cos Jaycacia is teh bestest! U culd say she waz beter tahn all the otehr agnets but noyt Jaycacia.

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