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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Big Reveal | ||||||||
A/N: ONG NO REVUEWS?!?!?! Wh does noboy luv me antmor?!?!? iS it becasduh of that FILTHY PLAYJERIST Aurange Abalez? I bet it iss!
Well the jock is on you Aurange: I wil keepe writinge depsite youre atemmpts to slience me! Adn to everone else: plz R&T! teh playjerisist has no pwower over yu! So Supernumberary rode Illian further through HQ until they came to the Cafeteria. "This isn't where we are going," told Supernumberary. ~It is now,~ said Illian. ~I have a thing I need to do.~ "Oh ok," said Supernumberary seriously. "Do you need to pray as well?" ~No,~ said Illian, and walked into the Auditorium. ~I have to get some food.~ "But how will you eat food?" asked Supernumberary. "You have no mouth." ~There is an Endermen who also has no mouth," said Illian. ~He shares his food with me. Look, there he is now.~ (A/N: Ok so I dont' kno anythig about Endermens so tihs miyt be wron ok??? soz) The Endermen dropped down from the ceiling and held out a plate to Illian (the plate hadn't spilled because he was so good with his reflexes). {Here you go,} said the Endermen. (A/N: He has no muth so he tlaks finny to oky?!?) ~Thank you very much,~ said Illian seriously, taking the place. On it were seven crystals of different colours arranged into a rainbow. "How will you eat them?" asked Supernumberary, who was still on Illian's back. ~Watch,~ said Supernumberary. He bent his head and stared at the crystals, and from them leapt beams of coloured light like tiny lasers which shone up into his eyes and filled them with glowing light, and when the beams faded the crystals were gone and Illian's eyes were glowing like the Northern and Southern and Eastern and Western Lights all in one. ~That is how I eat them,~ he told Supernumberary. "Oh, I see," said Supernumberary seriously. "I suppose it saves on brushing your teeth. So are we going now?" ~No," said Illian. ~That is not why I brought you here. I brought you here to listen.~ "Oh," said Supernumberary. "And what am I listening to?" Illian ran to the middle of the cafeteria and looked around at all the agents who were now staring up at him. @I have an ANNOUNCEMENT to make,~ he said. ~For years you have known me as Illian, the (A/N: cent' remimber his specys!) who is Supernumberary's partner. Many of you are my friends, and some of you,~ he looked significantly at Agents Lux, Suicide, and Falchion, ~are more than that. But there is something none of you know about me.~ "What is that?" asked the agents simultaneously. ~This is not the first time I have been in the PPC,~ said Illian seriously. ~Before I was Illian I was... Dafydd Illian!~ | ||||||||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Big Reveal | ||||||||
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