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A Morning of Mourning | ||
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Infinity + 1 Reveal, No Returns and That's Final | ||
A/N: kk to evrone, hear it is!!!!! teh next, or maybe LATS, caphter!!!!!
THe agents and the SO stared at Jaycacia as she pressed a hand to her stomach. "But how can I be pregnant?" she asked them. "It should be impossible!" But it is so, said the SO with swelling pride, and so our morning of mourning has given way to an afternoon of bliss. "But I was wounded!" said Jaycacia seriously. "I should never have been able to have babies." "Yea, verily," said a new voice, "and it would ever have been so, were it not for the power of... Black Magickckckc!" The agents gasped as Lux strode out of the crowd and started having sex with Supernumberary and Al's Waiter at the same time. "Yes," said Lux, "'twas I who wrought this thing. Through my magickckckc, thou hast indeed become pregnant. In fact - you have all been wrought (A/N: Taht means 'made' in old spech!) pregnant!" Constance and Aurora and Jay gasped and pressed a hand to their stomach. "I can feel it!" they said. Lux grinned. "I said all," she reminded them... "even the men!" Illian and Supernumberary and Al's Waiter pressed their hand to their stomachs. "I can feel it too!" they said. "And verily, I can sense many things about thy children," said Lux, abandoning Supernumberary on the floor and starting to have sex with Aurora instead. "For instance... Supernumberary! The other parent of your baby is Jay... and the baby is Dafydd and also Al's Waiter (because they are the same person)!" Jay gasped. "But then why are they blue!" "Because of who thy parents are," intoned Lux. "For you see, you are the baby currently in Al's Waiter's tummy - and your other parent is Dafydd!" "Incredible!" explained Al's Waiter. "Dafydd!" Lux declared, starting to have sex with Jay as well as Aurora. "The other parent of thy baby is... Constance! And thy baby is Supernumberary!" Constance looked smug. "You can consider that payback for making me have all our other babies and also for cheating on me and walking out on me," she said. "And Constance," continued Lux, "thy baby's father is Supernumberary, and the baby is... yourself!" "Incredible!" gasped Illian. "I never would have guessed." "Sunflower Official!" announced Lux. Me, too? the SO said. It should be impossible... but I can feel it! "And it is well you can," said Lux, "for the other parent of your baby is Constance - and the baby is Aurora!" Unbelievable! said the SO. But I believe you! Now Lux began to have sex with Illian and Constance at the same time. "Jay," she said, "you finally have the pleasure of bearing Jaycacia's baby... and that baby will be the SO!" "Of course," said Jaycacia gently. "Who else but the Starflower and the PPC's number one Assassin could ever be my husband's parents?" Now Lux looked troubled, and she stopped having sex with anyone. (A/N: DUN DUM DUUUUUUN!!!!"!) "Aurora," she said, turning to Aurora, "you will face difficult times. For the baby you bear is Dafydd's, and her name will be... Acacia Byrd!" Aurora gasped and burst into tears, so Illian went to comfort her. Jaycacia looked worried. "But what about my baby?" she asked. "What can you tell about my baby?" Lux went over to her and ran her hands over her stomach. "Its father is the SO," she said, "as I believe you know. And its destiny..." She shook her head. "I cannot see. Its destiny is too bright, too fierce, for my magickckckc. But..." She stood back and looked at Jaycacia seriously. "Given the circumstances," she said seriously, "there is only one person it can be!" ~ "Jay." "Mm?" "What are you scribbling?" Jay beamed manically at her ex-partner. "My Jaycacia-approved family tree," she said. "Did you know I'm apparently my own grandmother? Twice? I'm yours, as well." Acacia shuddered and downed her coffee. "I think I feel worst for Constance," she said. "She's her own mother? How does that work?" "She's her own granny, too," Jay mused, then shrugged and got to her feet. "I'm just glad it's not true. So, want another drink before the next chapter?" "What next chapter?" Acacia asked. "Didn't you see the author's note?" "Ooh, it's over and I didn't even notice? Awesome." Jay bounced over to the sofa. "Show!" ~ A/N: So tahts it! TEH END! I hop you lieked my sotry! Suprising, huh?!?!?! Plz R+R!!!!! Jaycacia Thornbyrd will return, in... The Child of Jaycacia Thornbyrd | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Infinity + 1 Reveal, No Returns and That's Final | ||
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