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A Morning of Mourning | ||||||||
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Bigger Reveal | ||||||||
A/N: Yay revues! Im gald you lieked it! Orange Abbles YOU SUX you meane playjeriser. Ev1 esle yo ar awsum xcept TehGrateDestoryer you SUX aslo. N/Eway I knowticed Supernumberary's pratner had teh saym naym (LOL see wha i did tehre?) as Dafid Ilien so tahts' wher tihs sotry came form. Aslo at teh edn of tihs caphter ehre is aNOTHR surpise so se if yo can gess who or waht it is!!!
The agents in the cafeteria gasped as one, and Supernumberary gazes at his partner in awe. "But how is that possible?" he asked seriously. "Agent Dafydd was an elf, and you are an ansalight (A/N: Tahnks ~&Izimax*# fo teh name!). They are very different." "You are very observant,~ said Illian. ~But here is something you have forgotten about ansalights: we can change our shape!~ And he held up his arms, and from out of his eyes poured light in all the colours of the rainbow which bathed the agents in a tumescent glow like if all the stars in the sky were glowing together and when it faded Illian had turned back into an elf, though he was still blue. "Oh, now hang on!" called an angry voice, and another blue elf came out of the crowd with his arms folded. "You cann't be a blue elf," he said, "for I am the Blue Elf, who is called Al's Waiter." "Why are you called that?" "Because I work in the Cafeteria as a waiter, and my boss is the Al-Flower," said Al's Waiter. "Oh." "Anyway you cannot be blue, because you have not eaten too many Smurfs," said Al's Waiter. (A/N: Iz taht righ?!?!?) "But there is something you do not know," said Illian, who was Dafydd Illian. "I am actually you... from the future! (A/N: when he waz Dafid hi war makup ok?!) I came back in time to join the PPC again, and that is how I know your real name." And he bent down and whispered in Al's Waiter's Ear's. "Oh ok then," said Al's Waiter. "But I don't understand," said Supernumberary. "Why have you joined the PPC three times? Why are you revealing it now? How did you time travel? And why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Illian laughed and through his arms back. "So many questions!" he said. "But they all have the same answer. As Al's Waiter, I saw what is about to happen, and knew that I would have to cause it. As Dafydd Illian, I made my plans, but had to leave when the evil Assassin Acacia tried to kill me. So I came back as Illian, hiding from her followers." "I don't think that answered any of my questions," said Supernumberary seriously. "But this will," said Illian, holding up his arms. "By all the powers of the Elves, Smurfs, and Ansalights - by all the magic of the Flowers That Be - by all the wonders of the Word Worlds - I summon the rift!" And rainbow light shone out of his eyes and hit a point in the air in front of him, where they widened into a tumescent hole in space and time, glowing with all the colours of the world and even more which Supernumberary had never seen before. And through that hole fell... | ||||||||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Bigger Reveal | ||||||||
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