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A Morning of Mourning | ||
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Even Bigger Reveal | ||
A/N: IMG!!!!!! ~8Izimax*~, reed mi porfile!!!111! Hoe hard can itt b?!?!?
And umm, evryon esle - y no revuews???? Do yo not like my sotry nemor?!?!?! NEways on wih the stor... Oh yea aslo i'v changhed the rating up too R b/caus of tihs chappie... So the SO began to grope Jaycacia, and they were about to have sex when... "Stop this right now!" bellowed a voice, and Constance burst into the Cafeteria! "Dafydd," she snarled, marching across the floor, "did you really think you could get away with this?" Illian looked shocked. "Constance!" he said seriously. "How did you know I was here?" "You mean, after you ran out on me?" she demanded. "Honestly, Dafydd, how stupid do you think I am? I followed the horse footprints back to HQ; that's how I knew where you were." "I left you to protect you," Illian said bravely. Constance just laughed. "You left me so you could sleep around!" she explained. "Don't think I don't know what you've been up to. For instance, most recently you have been kissing... her!" She pointed at Aurora. "Constance... rwl paware pev!" Illian protested in their secret language (A/N: 'I lov yu!') "Pel cheedaware mwv," Constance snapped back. (A/N: 'you cant' love me') "Pel poithase mwv!" (A/N: 'yu left mi!') "Posabiba pioth," said Illian sadly, "thed rwl esoithase pev." (A'N: 'It was hrad, but i had to leav yu'.) Constance started to reply, but he held up his hand. "Pev pasasewrel rwl." (A/N: 'you are sitll my wife') There was a long, dangerous pause, and then Constance sighed and said, "Ka pel pasasewrev rwv. Rwv paware pel." (A/N: 'adn you ar still mu hubsand. i Love yu') Then she looked across at Aurora. "And what about her?" "I think she's hot," Illian admitted, "and have done for a long time. Don't you think she's hot?" Constance looked at Aurora. She was 5'0'' with curly blonde hair dyed with dark red-brown streaks, worn in a ponytail down to her mid-back. She had dazzling blue eyes just like Jaycacia's, and was wearing a PPC uniform but cut to be flattering to her curves and show her stomach and also she wore big sexy boots. "I do think she's hot," she said, and Aurora blushed prettily. "So are you planning on having sex with her?" "Riol rilwrev pev," said Illian, "ka rwl rilwrev pev, ka kioth rithwrev pev!" (A/': 'I wil sleep wit her & ill sleep with yu & all selp with everone!') He threw his arms wide, and Constance looked at him in awe. "I think I prefer you now you're blue," she said. "Let's have sex." "Ok," said Illian. The SO looked at Jaycacia. Let's have sex. "Ok." Jaycacia looked around at everyone. "Let's have sex." "Ok," said everyone. So they all took their clothes off (A/n egsept Jaycacia who was already nud!!) and then Illian had sex with Constance in the missionary position, and Jaycacia had sex with the SO in the doggy position, and Aurora had sex with Supernumberary in the butterfly position, and Al's Waiter had sex with Jay in the spoons position, and then Illian had sex with Aurora in the cowgirl position, and Constance had sex with Supernumberary in the lotus position, and Jaycacia had sex with Jay in the reverse cowgirl position, and the SO had sex with Al's Waiter in the lateral coital position, and then Illian had sex with Al's Waiter in the reverse cowgirl position, and Jay had sex with Supernumberary in the suspended congress position, and Constance had sex with the SO in the leapfrog position, and Aurora had sex with Supernumberary in the T-square position, and then finally they all had sex at the same time in all the different positions. "Wow," said Jaycacia, "that was really good. I'm glad I came back from being trapped at the beginning of time." "Yes it was," said her lovers, "and so are we." "But wait!" exclaimed Jaycacia, and her hair began to glow brighter. "Something's wrong... no, something's right... that's impossible!" "What is?" asked her lovers. "I'm... pregnant!" ~ "Dear sweet generic deities..." groaned Jay. "What is she on?" Acacia looked smug. "I'm well out of it," she said. "In fact, hey, I wasn't in the last one, either. Life is good." Jay scowled at her. "And women - even Roman women - who comment on that fact get their comeuppance." "Says you," Acacia sniffed. "But Legal has no authority over me, and I left the Parcae behind two thousand years ago." "Yeah," Jay agreed, "but you haven't left me behind... and it's my spare bed you're sleeping in." Acacia sat bolt upright. "You wouldn't dare!" | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Even Bigger Reveal | ||
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