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Should U, Wuld U, Kudzu B Mine? | ||
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chapter 5 | ||
(AN: OMG thx 4 teh reviwues!
Ellintyra Lloysinthayr: I don't know, ul have 2 find out! and Idk, it was ina mission i read somewhere, it 8 some agents donit. and tnx 4 the tip, ill use that! Lady Cyskia: LOL thnx!) Aurora pulled out her slingshot and rand into FicPsyhc, where she found where Logolas-Sue ws making every1 OOC! "Sorry abiyt this, but u need help legolas!" she said and hit hi with a slngstone in the head, and he fell over nconcius. Frodo cam eout fomr behind a bed and bowd, he's such a polite hobbit! "U saved me, thank you!" he said. "Aw, no problem," Arora said. "Now we can help him!" And they put Legola on the bed and went 2 get some1 from FicPsych 2 take care f him, since they weren't oof anymroe. When they went out the fern saw them and said Usaved us! But there's still a problem. Go 2 the Kudzu's office right away! "Ok" said Aurora. "Bye Frodo, it was nice 2 meet u!" "Nice 2 meet u 2," frodo said, and they hugged (AN: Liek FRIENDS u pervs! Like a agnt would do that to a cnanon you sicko!) So she went to the Kudzo's office, and it was green all over with purple flowers and smelled nice. i>Thank you for helping us, Agent Aurora, the Kudzu said. FicPsych is n ur debt. "Ur welcome," said Aurora. "I'd like 2 ask a favor in return. U c, the Marquis is my firend, but he's all sad bcuz the SO gets al the agents and nobody likes him, bcuz acts so mean bcuz he's sad. Do u think u could help him?" The Kuzdu gasped! Agnet, I hav loved the marqui for so longand i didn't think he care about any1! I wold help him, but u c, Sue-Lecolas turned me into a male! "O no!" gasped Aurora. "How can we fix u?" There is a secret ewapon in theDen of the CAFS, the Kudzu said. U must go and find it and bring it back! "Ok, I will!" said Aurora. "If bymy life or death I can help u, I will!" (DUN dun DUUUUUNNNN! PLot twist, lool! Bet u iddn't c that coming! Its really getting exiting now! OMG, that was a long chappie! Keep reading 2 c what happens hext! XOXOX) | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chapter 5 | ||
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