(AN: OMG this is it! The last chappie! I ope u like it, lol!
JayBird: IDK? teh Marqis is meen bcuz he is sad, so if u get his haracter rite, it shuld b ok? Tnax 4 reviuing!)
So AGent Auroroa took the Ring and wen tback 2 FiCPsych, and gave it 2 the Kudzo. "Here you go!" said Aurora. "How will this help u b a girla gain?"
U c, Aurora sed the Kuxdu this ring is not really a ring. I sed it wuz a secret weapon, and so it is. Bhold!!! And the Kudzu took the ring nd held it up and upt it on 1 of her purple flowers, and FLASH!
There was a flash of light, and beams of 7 colors of teh rainbow leaped up from the ring and lit up the kudsu like the aurora borealis! (AN: I got eh idea 4 this from JayBird, hope u dont mind JB! <3)
"O wow," said Aurora, "its just like my namesake!"
Yes, said the Kudzu. That is how i knew u were the 1 2 save us. thank u, Agent Aurora! I am female again! And now I will go 2 the MArquis de Sod and confess my love!
And she did.
Marquis de Sod she sad, I have loved u 4 a very ong time, but i wuz afraid 2 tell u bcuz u r so mean all the time! But now i know it is bcuz u r so sad. Please let me help u!
And the Marquis said, Kudxu, I had no idea u felt htat way about me! I love u 2, but I though every1 hated me and liked the SO better. Im so glad u told me!
And they hugged!
Later that month they got married, and invoted Agent Aurora 2 b the maid of honor and Frodo 2 b best man (bcuz he wuz there when LEgolas turned every1 OOC and he wuz friends with Auroroa). And they lived happily ever after!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(AN: So that is it, the very lastchappie of my story! I hope u liked it. Plz READ N REVIW! I have another story idea based on adraam i had, but idk if i will rite it, lol. Do u think i shuld? Let me know!
| SOOO GOOOOD!!1! I still think u shold ttly rite a new story!! Id love a sequal!!!!
| OMH THANX!!! Thank u! *hugs* I am ttly writing a new story rite now, its called A 2nd Chance and its about Dafydd and time travel! I get so much inspiration from my friends, lol! HUGS!
| Absolutely unreadable. Maybe if you wanted to write good, youd unstick you're head from the garbage can it's been shoved it, wipe the $#!t from you're eyes, and actually use a bloody spellchecker once in a while.
And stop writing about romance, you stupid preteen. You obviously know nothing about it.
| Your such a HATER!! Your probably just a lonly fat olf homofone ho can't even get a GF! And u keep takling abot spellchek but you put random #%£\ cymbals like these and did'nt correct them! GO AWAY AND STOP FLAMMING YOU HATER.
| topkek
>Implying that I'm not gay
>Implying I don't work out and take care of my body
>Implying I don't already have a significant other
>Implying censoring out swear words is a bad thing
Nice ad hominem, jerkass.
Funny you mention that I'm "homofone" because I disagree with you're position. What is this, Tumblr?
All right then, if you wanto play that way, I will. Go play somewhwere else, you fat-shaming culturally appropriating white supremacist cishet scum.
| How incredibly predictable. It would appear that one of the neanderthals from 4chan has decided to crawl from the slime long enough to smear their particularly green brand of excrement around the rest of online society. Not only that, but they have predictably decided that the best use of their time would be to have an intellectual sparring match with a child.
If you must be so devoid of worth, at least try not to be a cliché in the process.
| Well hello there, emo kid. Still lurking around the place and shoving your nose where its doesn't belong, I see. Last I saw you, you were . How's you're life, then?
What I do with my time is really none of your business, so you can go and do something else for a change. Like go outside, you sad excuse for a human being.
Come, come, you talk greasily; your lips grow foul.
| Breaking out the Shakespeare? You must be getting desperate to seem intelligent. I must confess, I thought you unaware of how foolish you are, what with your being unable to finish a sentence or close your HTML tags. I was going to excuse you for your ignorance.
I had, mercifully, forgotten our previous conversation. However, I am glad to know that, with so much changing so quickly in the world, that your lack of writing skills has remained constant. Thank you for that.
| If a quote seems appropriate theres no excuse to not use its brilliance against someone.
You still seem big on belittling everyone. That's good for you, I guess. Have fun finishing grade school.
| F U, u troll! YOU SUCK. Ur just meen and jealous bcuz ur not as good as ppl like Jay and Acacia (even tho shes meen) and hS and any REAL writers, so u just go around being MEEN to ppl bcuz u have no life. At least Im TRYING. GTFO N DIAF!!!! D:<
| Sending death wishes over the Internet. Its sad what this world has come to. Stay classy, you wonderful 11-year-old, you.
You wanted a review? I'm just giving a frank appraisal of your work. I just so happen to tink its garbage.
| I m now ignoring u 4ever, goodbye!
| Since you'll be writing more of your imbecilities, I ca'nt say the same for you.
| OMG its OVAR?!?!?! I yust went bak and red ALL OFF YOUR SOTRY and it took me OURS b'c it was SO CUUL! I lovd the prat where Aroroa comfitted the Markey and the part wehre she helpd in FicSyck and EXSPECIALLY the prat wehre she helpd the Kuzdu and th Markwey get 2gevah! Taht was SO KOOL.
I totly tihnk you shoul writ anotha sotry! On of my favrite storie is bassed on a dream som1 had about tihs guy named Limp or somfin (LOL I forged) so tahts a goo way to writer!
Aslo woul you midn if I brorrow Aurora for on off my sotries? I pormise I wont' hurt her!!!!
| Yes its over *tear* But dont worry, I'm writing a new story called A 2nd chance! Its not the 1 from the dream, its a differnet 1, but Im really axited about it! :D
Limp, I dont know who Limp is lol? Ill hve 2 look at ur stories again, they r all so good!
OMG yes, u can ttly borrow Aurora, i trust u lol! Wow, thats so cool. :D Thanx!